Unamas Label in English

Unamas Label in English / This is the information site regarding High Definition & Surround Music productions.


P.I.Tschaikovsky op – 70 Souvenir de Florence Unamas Strings Septet


P.I.Tschaikovsky op – 70 Souvenir de Florence
Unamas Strings Septet


Info for P.I.Tschaikovsky op – 70 Souvenir de Florence

Orchestras often play this piece, but Tchaikovsky did not want it ending up to be perceived as a compact version of symphonic orchestration. This UNAMAS recording literally respects the composer’s intention allocating 6 solo voices – 2 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellos – and further added a contrabass for enhancing deeper notes at lows. It helped bringing the music closer with the orchestral muscle while maintaining the preciseness of chamber music performance.

The recording session took place at Ohga Hall, Karuizawa on 13th and 14th December 2016. There exist good reasons for UNAMAS Classics series to stick with this Ohga Hall for recording.

UNAMAS Strings Septet

4K Music-Video

4K interview in English

P.I.Tschaikovsky op – 70 Souvenir de Florence
Unamas Strings Septet




  1. UNAHQ 2014 Touch of ContraBass 2000
  2. Antonio Vivaldi The Four Seasons
  3. UNAHQ 2014 MQA-JK2000
  4. The Sound of Ohaga Hall
  5. Vol. One Yuki Arimasa & Tomonao Hara
  6. universe for surround Yoichi Tsuchiya