Unamas Label in English

Unamas Label in English / This is the information site regarding High Definition & Surround Music productions.


“Vol. One” Yuki Arimasa & Tomonao Hara by iTunes

Vol. One Yuki Arimasa & Tomonao Hara
“Vol. One”
Yuki Arimasa & Tomonao Hara

Song Title:

[1] Near
[2] Foget Me Not
[3] New Life
[4] Hills
[5] Cizwick
[6] The Wheel of The Wind
[7] K.K…
[8] Passing Low Key
[9] Spice
[10] Stumbling Over
[11] Near-2

Artists :

Arimasa Yuki  : piano

Tomonao Hara : trumpet


from "Vol.One" Tomonao Hara & Arimasa Yuki trumpet part-score  from "Vol.One"

Tomonao Hara  from "Vol.One" from "Vol. One" Tomonao Hara,Arimasa Yuki


“Vol. One”
Yuki Arimasa & Tomonao Hara


  1. Yuki Arimasa Forest 192kHz/24bit/surround
  2. afterglow/Eriko Shimizu & strings4
  3. Afterglow "RE-MIX as Silky Touch by Ribbon Mic"
  4. Yuki Arimasa Forest 192kHz/24bit/surround
  5. Koki Matsui4 Live at UNAMAS
  6. Dimensions Yuki Arimasa